My name is Jamil Sinno. I am a Full-Stack Software Developer specializing in the MERN stack. My career vision is to educate, and advocate for accessibility and representation in tech.
Rotate Strings · Hey There! It has been a while since I've posted. I was doing Codewars challenges to keep up my daily streak of solving one problem a...
Add Two Numbers · Hey There! Another day where I work towards becoming a better version of my developer self. Today's LeetCode Challenge was titled Add...
Convert Roman Numerals To Their Integer Value · Hey, I decided to start taking blogging a little more seriously. While lost in thought, I came up with...
And What Brings Me Here · Hey there! Welcome to my Blog! I am Jamil (pronounced j-uh-m-ee-l). I am a MERN Full-Stack Web Developer. I have two cats, Ed &...